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Adelaide Art Society



Members come from all over the state and range from enthusiastic amateurs to professional artists.


Membership Benefits

  • Access to an extensive library of art books, DVDs, and magazines for loan.
  • Preferential registration at workshops
  • Reduced rate at workshops
  • Newsletter four times a year
  • Notification of Art presentations
  • Entry to members-only exhibitions
  • The lower rate at Sketch Groups
  • Fellowship of other member artists

A certain standard of expertise is required to gain membership. Once a member, the level of involvement is up to the individual.


To join the Society

The joining fee is $25 and an annual subscription of $60 is due each 30th of June.


If you join between January and 30th of June, you only pay half the annual Subscription i.e. $30 + the joining fee.


Membership is determined by the committee and is based on viewing 4 submitted works (it is not necessary for them to be framed).


Please email images of your submitted art or the artist’s website URL along with the completed application form, scanned or photographed.




Download Application Form


Membership Renewal

Membership must be renewed by the 30th of June each year.


The annual subscription renewal fee is $60.


To download the annual Subscription Renewal form, click the link below.


Download Membership Subscription Renewal Form




Payment methods

Cash, (please don't post cash), cheque, money order or bank-cheque, made out to ADELAIDE ART SOCIETY INC. and accompanied by the completed renewal form.


Credit/debit card either by completing the form or at the studio using the EFTPOS machine with the printed receipt stapled to the completed form and put in Helen Taylor's pigeonhole.


Bank Transfer


BSB 105-148
Account number 555478040

Ensure your name is in the reference box of the transfer.


All postal renewals are sent to:



Adelaide Art Society
112 Margaret Street
North Adelaide SA 5006


For enquiries please contact the Society on 08 8267 4226 for Membership or use the contact form below.


Contact Form



0402 876 979